Another adventure:
I’ve been gardening in my yard here in Winnipeg and look what I found three mornings ago. A tiny little wood tick embedded in the skin of my upper thigh. sorry I didn’t get a picture at that time. I couldn’t get it out myself so thought a Dr. at a walk in clinic would be the best option. Well they were so backed up that after 2 hours and time I needed to get to my regular ear specialist appointment, I came home thinking this thing has to come out. My husband dug it out in pieces, all but a leg which he couldn’t get out. I begged a favour from my ear specialist and she agreed to try. With much digging she got it out in tiny bits with a needle. By bedtime there was a circle around the hole which is a sign of danger and I realized I had to try again for medical help.
Knowing my knee surgery is only one week away and I don’t want to have it postponed I couldn’t wait. I went early to a different walk in clinic at 8:30. Their walk in clinic didn’t open until 10 but I could have a chair to wait inside. While there I kept phoning my own doctor’s office and at 9:15 they answered. “Sorry the Dr. is fully booked.” I begged to at least talk to her. Suddenly the other receptionist jumped in to say she just had a cancellation at 10 o’clock. “Would I like to come for that?” With a thankful heart I set out.
Long story short my doctor took one look at the bite and said, “You need 10 days of antibiotics. That’s what we do for that. Don’t worry it’s a separate problem and won’t interfere with your surgery .”
The ring and rash have gone now and I’m very thankful.
Please be aware of Deer Ticks and the danger of West Nile disease. They are small and not easy to spot. It has to be caught early and if not treated will affect your life with long time damage. I’m from a family of bee keepers, they know about ticks.